A guide to identify cervical autonomic dysfunctions (and associated conditions) in patients with musculoskeletal disorders in physical therapy practice
Mourad, Firas; Giudice, Andrea; Maritati, Giorgio; Maselli, Filippo; Kranenburg, Rik (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Taylor, Alan; Kerry, Roger; Hutting, Nathan
What to look out for, what to do, and when
Hutting, Nathan; Mourad, Firas; Kranenburg, Rik (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Wilbrink, Wilfred; Kerry, Roger; Taylor, Alan
Van solo naar synergie
Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Pype, Peter
Proof of concept and feasibility of a blended physiotherapy intervention for persons with haemophilic arthropathy
Merel Timmer (Onderzoeker); Isolde Kuijlaars (Onderzoeker); Corelien Kloek (Onderzoeker); Piet de Kleijn (Onderzoeker); Roger Schutgens (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector); Martijn Pisters (Onderzoeker)
Implementation of the International IFOMPT Cervical Framework
Hutting, Nathan; Kranenburg, Rik (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Taylor, Alan; Wilbrink, Wilfred; Kerry, Roger; Mourad, Firas
Knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of spinal manipulation
Mourad, Firas; Yousif, Marzia Stella; Maselli, Filippo; Pellicciari, Leonardo; Meroni, Roberto; Dunning, James; Puentedura, Emilio; Taylor, Alan; Kerry, Roger; Hutting, Nathan; Kranenburg, Hendrikus Antonius (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Does debt increase risk? A mixed methods approach to studying the potential underlying risk factors in the relationship between debt and crime
Gercoline van Beek (Onderzoeker); Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Roger Leenders; Dike van de Mheen
Financial problems and debt as predictive factors for recidivism
Gercoline van Beek (Onderzoeker); Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Roger Leenders; Dike van de Mheen
Putting Humans First
Scheltema, Michiel; Timmer, Ivar (Lectoraat Legal Management & Technologie I.O); Jacob, Kai; Schindler, Dierk; Strathausen, Roger; Waltl, Bernhard
Assessing Cranial Nerves in Physical Therapy Practice
Mourad, Firas; Lopez, Giovanni; Cataldi, Fabio; Maselli, Filippo; Pellicciari, Leonardo; Salomon, Mattia; Kranenburg, Hendrikus (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Kerry, Roger; Taylor, Alan; Hutting, Nathan