Erfahrungen mit dem School Setting Interview 3.0
Laura Dietze (Student); Mirjam Eller (Student); Helen Strebel (Begeleider)
Durch Adaption zur Partizipation
Theda von Born-Fallois (Student); Olivia Wollnik (Student); Christina Sperling (Student); Vanessa Quetscher (Student); Connie Zillhardt (Begeleider)
School leadership during disruptive change
Kristin Vanlommel (Lector); Selia N. van den Boom-Muilenburg (Onderzoeker); Evi Kikken (Onderzoeker)
Health literacy in the context of child health promotion: a scoping review of conceptualizations and descriptions
Wieke van Boxtel (Onderzoeker); Katarina Jerković-Ćosić (Lector); Linda Schoonmade (Onderzoeker); Mai Chinapaw (Onderzoeker)
Developing a new technology curriculum for an urban setting
Gerald van Dijk (Onderzoeker); Elwin Savelsbergh (Lector)
Exploring the relation between teacher autonomy support and children’s musical creativity
Hendriks, Linda (Arts Education); Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education); van Geert, Paul L.C.
The effects of an education program on social and sustainable entrepreneurship for primary school children
Hogenstijn, Maarten (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Cuypers, Claudia (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap)
Setting the stage
Kristina Goodnight (Onderzoeker); Catherine van Beuningen (Onderzoeker); Rick de Graaff (Lector)
Setting the Stage: Designing Effective Professional Development in Improvisational Drama Techniques for Foreign Language Teachers.
Goodnight, Kristina; van Beuningen, Catherine (Lectoraat Taalontwikkeling En Meertaligheid I.O.); de Graaff, Rick
Environmental Adjustment Needs of Children with Special Educational Needs in Austrian Mainstream Schools
Morgenthaler, Thomas; Kramer-Roy, Debbie (Faculteit Gezondheid); Schulze, Christina