Zocht je misschien: showed, decisionmaking?
Associations between physicians' SDM behaviour and participation of older patients and family members in triadic decision-making
Dijkman, Bea L (Family Care); Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care); Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Driever, Ellen M; van der Wal-Huisman, Hanneke; Brand, Paul L P; van Leeuwen, Barbara L
Impact of a patient and family participation education program on hospital nurses' attitudes and competencies
van Oort, Peter; Maaskant, Jolanda; Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care); Eskes, Anne
Introducing object-oriented modelling to cybercrime scripting: visualisation for improved analysis
Madarie, Renushka (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek); Weulen Kranenbarg, Marleen; de Poot, Christianne (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
Development of a value-based healthcare burns core set for adult burn care
Spronk, I; van Uden, D; Lansdorp, C A; van Dammen, L; van Gemert, R; Visser, I; Versluis, G; Wanders, H; Geelen, S J G (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Verwilligen, R A F; van der Vlegel, M; Bijker, G C; Heijblom, M C; Fokke-Akkerman, M; Stoop, M; van Baar, M E; Nieuwenhuis, M K (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Pijpe, A; van Schie, C M H; Gardien, K L M; Lucas, Y; Snoeks, A; Scholten-Jaegers, S M H J; Meij-de Vries, A; Haanstra, T M; Weel-Koenders, A E A M; Wood, F M; Edgar, D W; Bosma, E; Middelkoop, E; van der Vlies, C H; van Zuijlen, P P M
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Blossom Pauw (Student)
Commoning the revival of historic estate kitchen gardens in Zuid-Holland
Anderson, J. (Student); Kocken, Q. (Student); Rusanov, T. (Student); Helvoirt, B. van; Molenaars, M.
Rapid Review on the Concept of Positive Health and Its Implementation in Practice
Brekel-Dijkstra, K. (Karolien) van den (Extern); Vliet, M. (Marja) van (Extern); Huber, M. (Machteld) (Extern); Huijts, T. (Tim) (Extern); Hogen-Koster, S. (Sandra) van (Lector); Kleijn, M. (Miriam) de (Extern); Jung, H.P. (Hans Peter) (Extern)
A qualitative study of the experiences and perceptions of older patients and relatives prior to cardiac surgery
van Dieën, Milou (Nursing Diagnostics); Paans, Wolter (Advance Care Planning); Blokzijl, Fredrike; Dieperink, Willem; Mariani, Massimo A
Involvement of family members of older patients with cancer in triadic decision-making processes during medical consultations on an outpatient ward
Dijkman, Bea L (Family Care); Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care); van der Wal-Huisman, Hanneke; Paans, Wolter (Advance Care Planning); van Leeuwen, Barbara L