Smart Energy Hubs conferentie
Stratingh, Rick
Digitale innovatie: het gat in het ERP en andere hiaten
A.J.C. van Kollenburg; C.J.M. Ridder; J.E. Pons
Zero-Trust security model applied to smart shipping: towards a feasible architecture
M.S. Bargh; A. Omar; R. Choenni
Sustainability in the water sector
Silvio Kaiser (Student); Sarah de Bakker (Docent); Daniel González de Suso Iraola (Begeleider)
Increasing the customers satisfaction of Raabe Slovakia LTD and its estimated effects on the company's success
Terézia Bellayová (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Mira Schrimpelova (Begeleider)
Emerging Industrial Internet of Things Open-Source Platforms and Applications in Diverse Sectors
Gavriel, (Stylianos) (Extern); Teeuw, (Wouter) (Lector); Gillani, (Ghayoor) (Extern); Ayele, (Eyuel) (Onderzoeker); Philimis, (Panayiotis ) (Extern); Ferreira Gonzalez, (Javier) (Associate Lector)
Het ABC'tje van de digitale transformatie
Sylvie Smeets; Maarten van Gils (Lector)
Act Local, Share Global
Johan de Vries (Student)
Transition paths for condition-based maintenance-drivensmart services
Henk Akkermans; Rob Basten; Quan Zhu (Onderzoeker); Luk Van Wassenhove
“Those blimmin Ts and Cs”: a mixed methods analysis of how people manage personal information, privacy, and impressions
Anouk Mols (Onderzoeker); Jorge Pereira Campos; João Fernando Ferreira Gonçalves