Radical networks and terrorist action: the importance of social relationships and network positions
van Nassau, Casper S.; Diviák, Tomáš; de Poot, Christianne J. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek); Weerman, Frank M.
Decision-makers self-servingly navigate the equality-efficiency trade-off of free partner choice in social dilemmas among unequals
Snijder, Luuk L.; Stallen, Mirre (Lectoraat Armoede Interventies); Gross, Jörg
"Treat people with human dignity"
Lubbe, Anne L.; Schellekens, Julia; Pol, Margriet C. (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Groen, Wim G.; Buurman, Bianca M.; Hertogh, Cees M P M; van Rijn, Marjon (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg)
Ethical procedures for responsible experimental evaluation of AI based education interventions
Dekker, Izaak (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Bredeweg, Bert (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); te Winkel, Wilco; van de Poel, Ibo
Rooted Together - Community Permatecture
Joshua Yates (Student)
Reasoning about self and others: A dynamic process
Geveke, Carla (Youth, Education And Society); Veenker, Herman; Steenbeek, Henderien (Youth, Education And Society)
Prevalence of male DNA on female worn undergarments. How small datasets may support robust opinions in activity level evaluative reporting
Roersma, R.; Storm, J. (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Joling, J. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek); Kokshoorn, B. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2024: Onderwijs van Waarde(n)
de Vries, Vera; Steenbeek, Henderien; Kupers, Elisa
The influence of Mixed Reality on training simulations
Maurits Dijkman (Student)
Presentatie conferentie IFAMA Risk Resilience Model
Linda Snippe (Onderzoeker)