Trencher mobility model
Jochem Kerckhaert (Student); Joachim de Keijzer (Docent); Erik Daanen (Begeleider); Quentin Bourdos (Begeleider)
Thesis about the emptying process of water storage facilities in urban areas
Melvin Lisseveld (Student); Lukas Papenborg (Docent); Lennard Stigter (Begeleider)
Quay wall fortification
Julian Kars (Student); Joachim de Keijzer (Docent); Frans Willem Engelhart (Begeleider); Peter Jan Plooy (Begeleider)
The influence of precipitation, evaporation and animal burrows on the permeability of the dike's clay cover layer
Mihail-Asen Todorov (Student); Sondos Saad Shaaban (Docent); Hendrik Meuwese (Begeleider)
Rapid Water Table Response to Transient Pressure Wave Generation in the Unsaturated Zone of Tailings Dams
Theron, Charné (Climate Adaptation); Lorentz, Simon
Hoedekenskerke freshwater dike storage system
Emy Marte Jorge (Student); Sondos Saad Shaaban (Docent); Jelle Jan Pieterse (Begeleider); Samantha van Schaick (Begeleider)
Utilizing Drone-Based Ground-Penetrating Radar for Crime Investigations in Localizing and Identifying Clandestine Graves
Emaus, (Roeland) (Onderzoeker); Lijcklama à Nijeholt, (Louise) (Onderzoeker); Mersha, (Abeje) (Lector); Manen, (Benjamin) (Onderzoeker); Knotter, (Jaap) (Lector); Teeffelen, K.J. (Kees) van (Onderzoeker); Kronshorst, (Yara)
Utilizing Drone-Based Ground-Penetrating Radar for Crime Investigations in Localizing and Identifying Clandestine Graves
Lijcklama à Nijeholt, (Louise) (Onderzoeker); Knotter, (Jaap) (Lector); Kronshorst, (Yara); Mersha, (Abeje) (Lector)
Untargeted GC-MS analyse van metabolieten in polderbodem voor het monitoren van biodiversiteit
Nick Jansen (Student)
Impact evaluation of localized nitrogen fertilization within potato rows
Cloué, R. (Student); Ringelberg, P.