Exploring opportunities and challenges for the spread, scale-up and sustainability of mobile health apps for self-management of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Netherlands: A Citizen Science Approach
Siebrand, (Egbert) (Onderzoeker); Leersum, C.M. (Catharina ) van (Extern); Bults, (Marloes) (Onderzoeker); Olthuis, T.J.J. (Theodorus ) (Extern); Ouden, (Marjolein) den (Lector); Bekhuis, R.E.M. (Robin ) (Extern); Konijnendijk, A.A.J. (Annemieke ) (Extern)
Making the Strange Familiar: Getting Intimate with Toxicity
de Vos, Ruby (Art & Sustainability); Godioli, Alberto; Bayraktar, Nilgun
Duurzaamheidsrapportage biedt kansen voor MVOI
M. Snijder; K. van IJsselmuide-Eijgenhuijsen
Evaluatie verduurzaming rijksmonumenten Groningen
Vieveen, Maarten (Duurzame Gebouwde Omgeving); Banninga, Aron; Munuswamy, Tamizh (Talentontwikkeling In Hoger Onderwijs En Samenleving)
Framing the Economy of the Future
Faber, Niels (Transition Towards A Circular Economy); Witjes, Sjors
Innovative solutions for local energy systems, a transdisciplinary approach
van der Schoor, Tineke (Sustainable Built Environment); Pierie, Frank (System Integration In The Energy Transition); Timmerman, Wim (System Integration In The Energy Transition)
Innovative use of recycled plastic in roads
Mohamad Zaher Alnashed (Student); Sondos Saad Shaaban (Docent); Ahmad Adel (Begeleider); Hussam Hasan (Begeleider)
Striving for more than just profit: examining the relationship between cause-related brand posts and social media engagement
S.B.T. Smit; K. Mazerant-Dubois; K.S. Klaassen; L.M. Willemsen
Eva van de Pol (Student)
Exploring residents’ perspectives on local energy transition in Northern Netherlands
Psarra, Ifigeneia; van Ulsen, Bob; Turhan, Ethemcan; van der Schoor, Tineke (Sustainable Built Environment)