From grey to green infrastructure in a changing climate
Boogaard, Floris (Climate Adaptation); Bremer, Scott; Wardekker, Arjan
Bachelor Design Research
Kruithof, ALV (Adriaan) (Student)
In the eye of the storm
Quita Schabracq (Student)
Equine coaching to improved authentic leadership for future generations
Groenesteyn, L. (Student); Wagenknecht, R.
The story of my first laptop
Lovink, Geert (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur)
What are the key success factors that make Starbucks a fast-growing company in the Netherlands nowadays - does Starbucks' quality coffee or its brand image have the biggest share?
Shannon Vegter (Student); Adrienne H.M.H. Kapiteijn (Begeleider)
Erprobung eines zweiwöchigen Trainings zur Automatisierung von Laut-Symbol-Kopplungen
Linda Meuser (Student); L Plum (Student)
Territorial social innovation: a symbol-based eco-genetic perspective
Mariapina Trunfio; Ad Breukel (Lid Lectoraat); Frank M. Go
The Lisbon Treaty and the coherence of the EU's external action
Linda Michelle Troost (Student); Paul Shotton (Begeleider)