Feasibility of Cross-Laminated-Timber Production In The Netherlands
Myron Koster (Onderzoeker); Hans Bastiaanse (Onderzoeker)
World of Wood
Eric Frijters (Docent); Mark Hendriks (Docent); David Kloet (Docent)
Over houtoogst en gebaande paden
Lemmerlijn, T. (Student); Borgman, D.; Raggers, J.
Strategic market research Bruynzeel Hechthout for the Dutch yacht building industry
Timmers, R. (Student); onbekend
Chinese wood products for the European Market: is it financially viable?
Vissers, J. (Student); Meer, P. van der; Chao, Z.; Hoonte, M. ten; Busstra, B.
Inventory of natural regeneration and the recovery of logging gaps in the Nkrabia forest reserve in Ghana : a comparison between chainsaw milling and conventional logging
Herrmann, T.D. (Student); Vletter, J. de; Zambon, M.; Wijers, R.