Using contribution mapping to evaluate the research impact of Universities of Applied Sciences
Coombs, Sarah; Meister-Broekema, Peter (Living Environment In Transition); Meijer, Ingeborg
Opening & Closing Hours
Wina Smeenk (Lector); Perica Savanović (Lector); Marieke Zielhuis (Onderzoeker); Daan Andriessen (Lector)
Bridging multi-stakeholder dialogue about AI systems in the lab: how virtual can we go?
T.S. van der Horst; A. Overdiek; M. Harbers
Living labs and other experimental environments: dynamics and directions
A. Overdiek; E. van der Laan
In Circles: Performance. Philosophy. Animals. Equality
Laura Cull O Maoilearca (Lector)
Implementing Product-Service System Business Models in the Building and Construction Sector
Mattijssen, Philippe; Johannes, Koos (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Wakkee, Ingrid (Centre For Economic Transformation (Cet))
Presentatie opening REMO-Lab tijdens het New Energy Forum
Teerling, Joàn; Krooneman, Janneke
GET Summerschool 2024: “Legal Aspects of the Energy Transition”
Tempelman, Daisy G.
Interventions that support novice nurses' transition into practice: a realist review
H.C. Melissant; R.R.A. Hendriks; E.J.M. Bakker; J.A.H.M. Kox; N. Rietveld; H.S. Miedema; P.D.D.M. Roelofs; K.J. Verhaegh
Making City: Legal Challenges in Establishing Positive Energy Districts
Tempelman, Daisy G.