Who supplies digital surveillance technologies to African governments?
Anand Sheombar (Onderzoeker); Sebastian Klovig Skelton (Onderzoeker)
Impact Assessment of Different Battery Energy Storage Technologies in Distribution Grids with High Penetration of Renewable Energies
Rocca, R.; Hengeveld, Evert Jan (System Integration In The Energy Transition); Martínez, Martínez; Comech, M. P.; Rivas, D.M.; Surve, Shweta
Defining war rape
Marcel van der Stroom (Docent)
The Personal Touch in Customer Contact: The Influence of a Personal Approach on Customer Relationships and Customer Experience
Harald Pol (Onderzoeker); Mirjam Galetzka (Onderzoeker); Ad Pruyn (Onderzoeker)
Repression in residential youth care
S. de Valk (Onderzoeker); Chris Kuiper (Lector); Peer van der Helm (Lector); A.J.J.A. Maas (Onderzoeker); Geert-Jan Stams (Onderzoeker)
Rule Type Based Reasoning On Architecture Violations
Sjaak Brinkkemper; Leo Pruijt (Lid Lectoraat); Wiebe Wiersema (Lector); Jan Martijn van der Werf
Rule Type Based Reasoning On Architecture Violations: A Case Study
Sjaak Brinkkemper; Wiebe Wiersema (Lector); Leo Pruijt (Lid Lectoraat); Jan Martijn van der Werf
The role of European civil society in stopping the Ant-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
Jana Villwock (Student); Martijn Lak (Begeleider)
Recruiting foreign nurses for Dutch nursing homes
J. Veldman (Begeleider); Lotte de Koster (Student)
The transtlantic data transfer : the case of EU-U.S. relations
Tatjana Arnold (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)