RayStation in Proton Therapy Education: Blended Learning 2.0
Harmen Bijwaard (Lector); Jelle Scheurleer (Onderzoeker); Ingrid T. Kuijper (Onderzoeker)
Making Waves #2
Fernández Mora, Mariana (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); De Gaetano, Carlo; Yilmaz, Müge; Armin, Janine; Piña, Amanda; Niederer, S.M.C. (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Cull Ó Maoilearca, Laura; De Vries, Patricia; Dockett, A.C. (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies)
Oyster larvae used for ecosystem restoration benefit from increased thermal fluctuation
Katharina Alter (Onderzoeker); Pascalle Jacobs (Onderzoeker); Annalisa Delre (Onderzoeker); Bianka Rasch (Onderzoeker); Catharina Philippart (Onderzoeker); Myron Peck (Onderzoeker)
Influence of blue-green roofs on surface temperature and indoor temperature on building scale
Föllmi, Dante (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Corpel, Lisanne (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Solcerova, Anna (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Kluck, Jeroen (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad)
Meme Mikrodalgası Hipertermi Aplikatörü İçin Geliştirilen Doku Taklidi Jel Karakterizasyonuc (Tissue Mimicking Gel Characterization Developed for a Breast Microwave Hyperthermia Applicator)
Ömer Işık (Onderzoeker); Erdal Korkmaz (Onderzoeker)
Comparison of Low-Cost 5G Electromagnetic Field Sensors
Kenneth Deprez (Onderzoeker); Loek Colussi (Onderzoeker); Erdal Korkmaz (Lid Lectoraat); Sam Aerts (Lid Lectoraat); Derek Land (Lid Lectoraat); Stephan Littel (Lid Lectoraat); Leen Verloock (Onderzoeker); David Plets (Onderzoeker); Wout Joseph (Onderzoeker); J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Lector)
Effects of different light wavelengths and intensities on diatom and flagellate microalgae production
Demian Zwaan (Onderzoeker); Pascalle Jacobs (Onderzoeker); Jasper van Houcke (Lector)
Plotting on the blockchain. On the possibility of care among widespread logics of extraction
Gloerich, Inte (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Making Waves
Andreatta, Isis; Armin, Janine; Cull Ó Maoilearca, Laura; De Gaetano, Carlo; Dockett, Andy (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Fernández, Mariana (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Groene, Maarten; Niederer, Sabine (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies); Pinheiro, Flavia; Prins, Liza; Rege Turo, Lorena; Spierenburg, Kim; de Vries, Patricia