Scaling-up community-based resource management in Solomon Islands
Ploeg, J. van der (Lector); Sukulu, M.; Govan, H.; Eriksson, H.
Restoration of herbivory on Caribbean coral reefs
Butler, M.J.; Durain, A.; Feehan, C.J.; Harborne, A.R.; Hylkema, A. (Onderzoeker); Patterson, J.T.; Sharp, W.C.; Spadaro, A.J.; Wijers, T. (Onderzoeker); Williams, S.M.; Arias González, J.E.
Impact of global warming on the European whale pump
Rooij, N. de (Student); Merién, D.
The role of ices ecosystem overviews in sustainable marine management
Schönen, L. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Beem, J.A. van
Sustainable management of the marine ecosystem through a marine spatial planning serious game
Koelma, E. (Student); Meijer, A. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Bannenberg, E.C.
Stakeholder workshop to disseminate the ICES deep-sea access regulation technical service, and scope the required steps for regulatory purposes (WKREG)
Doyle, A.; Grehan, A.; Archambault, B.; Goldsborough, D.G. (Lid Lectoraat)
Range extension of the lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) within the Dutch Caribbean
Leurs, G.; Boman, E.M.; Walker, P.A. (Lector)
Participatie in zoutwaterbeheer
Siffels, J. (Student); Groenhuijzen, P.F.