Designing chatbots for training professionals in child and youth social care
Designing chatbots for training professionals in child and youth social care
Introduction: Various subjects in child and youth social care, such as sexuality and sexual violence, are quite sensitive, and professionals may experience a certain reluctance to discuss these subjects with their clients (e.g., the young people they work with, as well as their families) and colleagues. An example of such a subject is sexual abuse and unacceptable behavior that may occur with their clients, whether at home, at the youth care institution or somewhere else. It is essential that youth care professionals do not shy away from such a sensitive subject as sexual abuse and know how to talk about it with their clients in a healthy way. Professionals in child and youth social care should dare to educate on this topic, and be trained to deal with the enormous diversity of young people and parents they encounter in their work. Research on application of trained methods shows that receiving training on itself is often not enough to develop strong applicable competences about subjects like sexual abuse and to continue to apply these acquired practical skills in the field in the long term. In order to be able to apply ‘what is learned’ successfully, it is necessary to practice the learned skills in a safe environment, and to regularly refresh those skills. In order to create an opportunity for practicing skills in a safe environment, we have explored the extent to which innovative chatbot technologies can be used to better equip (future) professionals to apply and practice their skills.

Organisatie | Hogeschool van Amsterdam |
Datum | 2021-03 |
Type | Rapport |
Taal | Engels |