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Utilization of natural anthocyanins from tulip flowers in cosmetics

Open access

Utilization of natural anthocyanins from tulip flowers in cosmetics

Open access


Production of dry encapsulated forms of anthocyanins from tulip petals with high antioxidant activity and their utilization in lipsticks. Anthocyanins (of the Greek anthos = flower and kianos = blue) are the most important pigments of the plants. These pigments are responsible of the shiny orange, pink, red, violet and blue colors in the flowers and fruits of some plants. The most interesting substances of the waste material are anthocyanins as natural water soluble antioxidants with a great health benefit besides the coloring properties. Tulip is a perennial bulbous plant which is popular worldwide and especially in the Holland due to the showy flowers of the great variety of colors and shades. It was found that for flowers of different colors biosynthesis of anthocyanins of the three anthocyanidin backbones may occur. Thus, pelargonidin (Pg), cyanidin (Cy) and delphinidin (Dp) derivatives, are responsible for tulip flowers color.

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Gepubliceerd inV Международная научно-методологическая конференция «Роль физиологии и биохимии в интродукции и селекции сельскохозяйственных растений» Moscow, Russian Federation, RUS

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