Exploring the dilemmas and avenues of digital interaction and distance in research methodology and practice
Exploring the dilemmas and avenues of digital interaction and distance in research methodology and practice
WINNER 2022 took place from 18-20 October, in which attendees were able to participate in online sessions and be inspired by existing and future collaborations. The theme encompasses a multitude of collaborations and questions, in fundamental and applied sciences, in natural, social, technical and health sciences and humanities, and between academics, businesses, NGOs and public organisations. It continues to emphasize the need for interdisciplinary approaches and multi-stakeholder engagement needed to address global challenges and achieve the SDGs. How do we innovate, both technologically and socially, for greener economies? Which tradeoffs in SDGs are there in a blue economy? What effect does a digital society have on our healthcare, or the way we interact with each other, including in knowledge collaboration? How does knowledge help to change the way we produce and interact? Contains a contribution from Loes Witteveen, professor Communication, Participation & Social-Ecological learning (CoPSEL) at Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Lectoraat | Communicatie, Participatie & Sociaal-Ecologisch Leren (CoPSEL) |
Datum | 2022-10-24 |
Taal | Engels |