De grootste kennisbank van het HBO

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Collaborative change

towards inclusive rural communication services

Collaborative change

towards inclusive rural communication services


This book addresses the demand for evidence-based approaches to rural communication services (RCS). It presents theoretical foundations of RCS and a series of case studies showcasing the appropriation of media by smallholders and the promotion of enabling policy environments. Building on the RCS approach promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the 12 contributions included in this book deal with three prominent dimensions: (1) the need for theoretical grounding and action research; (2) the importance of promoting equality and inclusiveness, balancing digital and non-digital communication; and (3) the importance of addressing capacity, infrastructure, institutionalization and policy in an integrated manner. The book also shows how theoretical contributions inform rural practice and demonstrates how RCS is grounded in and informed by theory. In addition, it highlights key areas for research, capacity development and policy support to operationalize RCS. In a nutshell, it deepens our understanding of how RCS can be inclusive and drive collaborative change.

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OrganisatieVan Hall Larenstein
LectoraatCommunicatie, Participatie & Sociaal-Ecologisch Leren (CoPSEL)

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