2nd European SimStadt Workshop at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Enschede (NL)
2nd European SimStadt Workshop at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Enschede (NL)
On the 11th of March, just a few days aheadof COVID – 19, the team working on the ELISEUse Case “Comparative analysis of differentmethodologies and datasets for EnergyPerformance Labelling of buildings” organizedthe 2nd European SimStadt workshop atSaxion University of Applied Sciences inEnschede, hosted by the Saxion researchgroup Sustainable Building Technology (SBT).SimStadt is a workflow-driven urban energysimulation platform for CityGML city modelsenabling solar potential- , heating demand- ,environmental- and district heating networkanalysis. Linking urban simulation platformsto CityGML models allows the use ofgeospatial information to enrich data modelsto be used for scenario analysis, e.g. relatedto energy transition. However, the rapid andwidespread development of applications andtools requires the European Commission tofocus on harmonization measures for dataformats.

Organisatie | Saxion |
Afdeling | Academie BBT |
Lectoraat | Sustainable Building Technology |
Datum | 2020-05-01 |
Type | Andersoortig materiaal |
Taal | Engels |