Participatory event with Sociaalruimtelijk transitiemanagement master students and local professionals
Psarra, Ifigeneia; de Zwart, Bart; Roos, Berit Ann; Maccow, Delano
Point of Care Diagnostics in the ICU
Paans, Wolter
Identification, Mapping and Solutions for Drought Management in Kaliori District, Rembang Regency, Indonesia
Adi, Henny Pratiwi; Wahyudi, Slamet Imam; Wahyudi, Rahmatia Sarah; Boogaard, Floris (Climate Adaptation)
PLG's Basisvaardigheden Quadraam
Roel Grol
Who supplies digital surveillance technologies to African governments?
Anand Sheombar (Onderzoeker); Sebastian Klovig Skelton (Onderzoeker)
Examining the cyclical nature of crimes: A looped crime script of data theft from organizational networks
Madarie, Renushka (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek); Weulen Kranenbarg, Marleen; de Poot, Christianne (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Physiotherapie – Bereitschaft, Chancen und Barrieren
Malte Erdmann (Student); Johannes Schulte (Student); Oliver Göttling (Student); Helge van Dam (Begeleider); Eveline van Engelen (Begeleider)
Hindernisse im Verordnungs- und Nutzungsprozess von digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA)
Emelie Brenner (Student); Nele Helmes (Student); Lena Klein (Student); Andreas Rothgangel (Begeleider); Helge van Dam (Begeleider)
Assessments der Wirbelsäule in der physiotherapeutischen Ausbildung
Carina Paschold (Student); Carolin Krischer (Student); Philippa Wolff (Student); Eveline van Engelen (Begeleider); Helge van Dam (Begeleider)
Co-rumination as a moderator between best-friend support and adolescent psychological distress
S.M. van der Mey-Baijens; P. Vuijk; K.C.M. Bul; P.A.C. van Lier; M. Sijbrandij; A. Maras; M. Buil