Beyond Babylon?!
Beyond Babylon?!
Because it globalises (or rather, colonises), smart technology unifies. While cultural diversity is under pressure, we are approaching the world worldwide through the same streaming services and social media apps. Virtually all human cultures have been colonised by both the global language English and (smart) technology. Both "settlers" are seeping into every human soul around the world, economically driven by Big Tech 's marketing formulas. It is argued that, while the Babylonian confusion of tongues has been razed to the ground, a new - Big Tech - Babylon has arisen. While we take advantage of the products that multinationals serve, we are increasingly colonised by them.

Organisatie | Saxion |
Afdeling | Academie AMA |
Lectoraat | Brain & Technology |
Datum | 2021-07-01 |
Type | Bijdrage aan periodiek |
Taal | Engels |