Bedroom Secrets
Bedroom Secrets
Our planetary footprint has become so incredibly large, precisely because we have been doing less and less ourselves. Our entire culture revolves around outsourcing. First to slaves, then to wage slaves, machines and now also to AI. We let others produce (often industrially) all sorts of things, in clean-looking production lines. For
example, in the factory farming industry, from rearing, via slaughter, processing, marketing and selling to that pork chop on our plate, or from monocultures via breweries to the beer in our jugs, all of this revolves around outsourcing. In our daily lives we outsource muscle power to machines (cars, bicycles, drills, kitchen
mixers, etc.), search and thinking power to Wikipedia, Google or ChatGPT, and agenda and collection power to online platforms and meeting rooms.

Organisatie | Saxion |
Afdeling | Academie Mens en Arbeid |
Lectoraat | Employability Transition |
Datum | 2023-05-01 |
Type | Artikel |
Taal | Engels |