The system integration of flexible electronics into a soft exoskeleton
The system integration of flexible electronics into a soft exoskeleton
In order to make exoskeletons more useful for a larger variety of users, especially within healthcare, it is of utmost importance to improve its wear ability. The scope of the XoSoft project is to develop a soft, wearable and comfortable soft exoskeleton. Here we describe the partial research on the integration of textile sensors for the XoSoft soft exoskeleton. Various resistive textile sensors for knee-sensing were made. All sensors show repeatable results however, their accuracy and usability for this project are questionable.

Organisatie | Saxion |
Afdeling | Academie ACT |
Lectoraat | Smart Functional Materials |
Datum | 2018-03-01 |
Type | Bijdrage aan periodiek |
DOI | 10.4172/2329-9568.S4-020 |
Taal | Engels |