A drink at the LGBT!
A drink at the LGBT!
Culture has freed us to some extent from nature, first through language and religion, and almost simultaneously through technology. From the control of the fire and the first tools until now - smart technology - technological development has taken a long cultural path, with many challenges and possibilities. The CBS report also shows that the average ecological footprint of Dutch residents is still far too large. It is entirely right that we allow the refugees to share in "our" wealth. In a globalized world, looking away is not an option. In a positive psychology, reciprocity characterizes our humanity. But at the same time we must guard our values: equality between man and woman, love for man is not tied dogmatically to sexuality and ... there is nothing wrong with the occasional drink!
In: Education Journal 2018-341 p.19

Organisatie | Saxion |
Afdeling | Academie AMA |
Lectoraat | Brain & Technology |
Datum | 2018-05-01 |
Type | Artikel |
Taal | Engels |