The robot is not a collegue
The robot is not a collegue
Older technologies, such as violins and computers, differ from newer technologies (Internet search engines, robots, chatbots, etc.). Older technologies are primarily tools for achieving our own stated goals, while new technologies are often used by third parties, whereby we ourselves are sometimes used as “instruments”, often without us being aware of it. While we search for something on the Internet, our search behaviour is analysed and we are assigned to an increasingly suitable profile. In other cases, our movement patterns in public space are registered (type of shopper, walker, etc.). Unsolicited we get a digital twin, which can be easily followed by third parties to warn us in time, or, in the wrong hands, to manipulate or even disable us. Anthony Kenny states that “technological anthropomorphism” (approaching an instrument or machine as a person with human qualities) must be avoided. It is argued why and that a robot is not a colleague.

Organisatie | Saxion |
Afdeling | Academie Mens en Arbeid |
Lectoraat | Employability Transition |
Datum | 2022-04-01 |
Type | Artikel |
Taal | Engels |