Virtual Reality Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders
Virtual Reality Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders
This research report explores the idea of creating a virtual reality gamified experience that addresses the topic of mental health by bringing more understanding to mental disorders. In doing so, the paper begins by exploring how the topic of mental health could be broached with the use of video games. A survey was conducted for the purpose of gauging how the target audience viewed the topic of mental health and video games separately and in conjunction. Following this, commercial games and therapy games were analyzed for laying the foundation of the features and mechanics of the experience. With the collected research, a mental health game concept was designed and documented within a game design document. Ultimately, a prototype was created of the experience and tested with individuals ages 20 and older. The results of the test concluded that the concept addressed mental health in a realistic manner and has the potential to either become its own form of treatment for psychiatric disorders or be added to traditional treatment methods.
Organisatie | Saxion |
Opleiding | Creative Media and Game Technologies |
Datum | 2022-07-01 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |