Academic Procrastination: The relationship between academic procrastination, goal setting and character traits.
Academic Procrastination: The relationship between academic procrastination, goal setting and character traits.
Academic procrastination is one of the leading factors that makes students dropping out from school in The Netherlands. Especially among students in higher education. Saxion University of Applied Sciences has started an extensive research on academic procrastination. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of academic procrastination and influencing factors. Eventually to reduce levels of academic procrastination among students with this knowledge. Using a cross-sectional analysis, this study analysed the relationship between five constructs among 125 academic students in 2020 via an online survey. Academic procrastination, goal setting, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy and self-critical perfectionism have been analysed to investigate whether a correlation was present. It was found that both intrinsic motivation and goal setting correlate negatively towards academic procrastination. Intrinsic motivation and goal setting showed a moderate strong positively correlation to each other. Also, it was remarkable that neither self-efficacy nor self-critical perfectionism showed a relationship towards academic procrastination. This was in contradiction to the literature that was found for this study. This study answers the relationship between academic procrastination and influencing factors. The results indicate that goal setting and intrinsic motivation are the strongest influencing factors on reducing academic procrastination. Therefore, it is recommended that Saxion should introduce a course to try and higher levels of goal setting and intrinsic motivation for their students to reduce academic procrastination. However, further research is needed to identify other factors that could further reduce academic procrastination.
Keywords: 2020, academic procrastination, goal setting, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, self-critical perfectionism, perfectionism, character traits, influencing factors, relationship, students, The Netherlands.

Organisatie | Saxion |
Opleiding | Toegepaste Psychologie |
Datum | 2021-01-01 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |