Fewer adverse events as a result of the SAFE or SORRY? programme in hospitals and nursing homes : Part I: Primary outcome of a cluster randomised trial
Fewer adverse events as a result of the SAFE or SORRY? programme in hospitals and nursing homes : Part I: Primary outcome of a cluster randomised trial
Patient care guidelines are usually implemented one at a time, yet patients are at risk for multiple, often preventable, adverse events simultaneously. This study aimed to test the effect of the SAFE or SORRY? programme on the incidence of three adverse events (pressure ulcers, urinary tract infections and falls). This paper describes Part I of the study: the effect on the incidence of adverse events. A cluster randomised trial was conducted between September 2006 and November 2008. After a three-month baseline period the intervention was implemented followed by a nine-month follow-up period. Ten wards from four hospitals and ten wards from six nursing homes were stratified for institute and ward type and then randomised to intervention or usual care group.