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Smart radio: personalized news radio

Smart radio: personalized news radio


In this demonstration paper we describe the SMART Radio app 1 forBNRNieuwsradio. TheSMARTRadioappisanextensionto the current BNR app, which offers users a more personalized news radio experience. It does so by automatically fragmenting shows to offer our users more targeted and focused fragments of audio, not full shows. We employ audio segmentation and audio topic- tagging techniques to achieve this, which we describe in this paper. In its present form, users can subscribe to tags to get appropriate suggestions of relevant radio fragments. In the future we would like to improve the app’s personalization, by using information of the user’s interaction with the app.

OrganisationHAN University of Applied Sciences
DepartmentAcademie Engineering en Automotive
Academie IT en Mediadesign
LectorateModel-based Information Systems
TypeConference object

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