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On the Dry port to Dry port-concept Gaining a better understanding of the added value

On the Dry port to Dry port-concept Gaining a better understanding of the added value


This research is part of a project which has been initiated by the Indonesian province of West Java and the Dutch province of Gelderland. The overall aim of the project is to create a seamless multi-modal supply chain between the two provinces, whereby increasing the sustainability and (cost-)efficiency of logistics activities. It is expected that this can be achieved by means of a Dry port to Dry port-concept (DP2DP-concept). The study presented in this paper focuses on the (potential) added value of a DP2DP-concept.
This contribution first provides insight into what a dry port to dry port (DP2DP) concept entails.
In addition, it also provides an overview of the key logistics performance indicators in the context of this concept. Finally, the added value of a DP2DP concept is elaborated on for each of the identified performance indicators.

OrganisatieHAN University of Applied Sciences
AfdelingAcademie Organisatie en Ontwikkeling
LectoraatLogistiek en Allianties
Gepubliceerd inLogistiek+ Tijdschrift voor Toegepaste Logistiek Vol. 2024, Uitgave: 16, Pagina's: 76-93
TypeBijdrage aan periodiek

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