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Individualising thermal comfort models for older people

the effects of personal characteristics on comfort and wellbeing

Individualising thermal comfort models for older people

the effects of personal characteristics on comfort and wellbeing


As people age, physiological changes affect their thermal perception, sensitivity and regulation. The ability to respond effectively to temperature fluctuations is compromised with physiological ageing, upsetting the homeostatic balance of health in some. As a result, older people can become vulnerable at extremes of thermal conditions in their environment. With population ageing worldwide, it is an imperative that there is a better understanding of older people’s thermal needs and preferences so that their comfort and wellbeing in their living environment can be optimised and healthy ageing achieved. However, the complex changes affecting the physiological layers of the individual during the ageing process, although largely inevitable, cannot be considered linear. They can happen in different stages, speeds and intensities throughout the ageing process, resulting in an older population with a great level of heterogeneity and risk. Therefore, predicting older people’s thermal requirements in an accurate way requires an in-depth investigation of their individual intrinsic differences.
This paper discusses an exploratory study that collected data from 71 participants, aged 65 or above, from 57 households in South Australia, over a period of 9 months in 2019.
The paper includes a preliminary evaluation of the effects of individual intrinsic characteristics such as sex, body composition, frailty and other factors, on thermal comfort. It is expected that understanding older people’s thermal comfort from the lens of these diversity-causing parameters could lead to the development of individualised thermal comfort models that fully capture the heterogeneity observed and respond directly to older people’s needs in an effective way.

(article starts at page 13)

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OrganisatieDe Haagse Hogeschool
AfdelingFaculteit Sociaal Werk & Educatie
LectoraatLectoraat Urban Ageing
Gepubliceerd inProceedings of the 11th Windsor Conference: Resilient comfort in a heating world Roaf, S., Nicol, F., Finlayson, W. (eds.), Windsor, United Kingdom, Pagina's: 187-199

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