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Omzetvoorspelling middels de Sales funnel

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Omzetvoorspelling middels de Sales funnel

Open access



This study was conducted for IES Asset Management BV. The reason for this study is that IES has no insight into their sales forecast. Due to the regular ongoing work activities, the focus on sales targets can be forgotten. IES would like to have more insight and understanding in their revenue predictability. By means of the revenue predictability IES want to get a transparent insight into what awaits her for the future and how they can make a controllable and effective deployment plan. The aim is to be predictable to their shareholders. It also provides management information to increase the market share. IES asked to make the company's sales funnel insight, because this can show the revenue predictability. In addition, the management of IES likes that employees will provides more input into the Sales funnel and have an active role within their own sales activities and revenue. Because of this, the employees often distributed on sales capabilities and therefore they find it difficult to take an active role in it. The objective of this study is as follows: ’an advisory report on how the revenue can be made predictable’. This can be achieved by understanding the Sales funnel of IES and managing the employees within the sales funnel.

Based of the described object, the following problem definition has been prepared: ’In what way does the sales funnel of IES contribute to the revenue predictability?’. In response to the problem there are drawn seven sub-questions. By the sub-questions the reality is compared with the theory. The seven sub-questions are:
The sub-questions which are focused on the theory:
• What is a sales funnel?
• What factors determine the revenue predictability in a sales funnel?
• How can employees be managed in a sales funnel?
The sub-questions which are focused on the reality:
• How do IES achieves its sales?
• How do the Sales funnel of IES look like?
• How do IES its revenue forecasts through the Sales funnel?
• How do the employees of IES want to be managed in the sales funnel?
As seen in the sub-questions which are focused on the theory, two themes are combined. The two themes are: (1) sales and (2) managing employees. After answering the questions of theoretical part, the theoretical model is (SFCS) is chosen. This model combines both themes and is central to this study. Twenty-five hypotheses emerged from this model and three showed relevance to this study.

For this study, deskresearch and qualitative research was used. Deskresearch is used to answer the first three sub-questions that focus on the reality. Qualitative research is used to answer the last part of the sub-question that focuses on reality. Interviews are used for qualitative research. The basis for the interview questions were the three hypotheses and were held with all function levels within the company. Through these interviews an overall picture is made how employees want to be managed in sales.

The answer on the problem definition is based on the results of the research and the conclusions. The answer to the problem definition is that only the offer phase and the order phase of the sales funnel of IES contribute to the revenue predictability, however this is not enough for achieving the desired conversion. The reason is that there is a limited registration of the sales activities in the sales funnel and insight cannot be provided into the exact sales activities. Also the number of contributions or efforts made to bringing in an order are not clear. Sales activities from the past are not visible and other data cannot be recalled. According the described theory, this insight is also necessary to get an idea and clear vision of the commercial future and the establishment of the sales targets. Only a backward planning can be established and which will contribute to revenue predictability of IES.

Based on the answer to the problem question and the research part of the question:’ How want the employees of IES be managed in the sales funnel?’ an advisory is drawn. The advisory report answers the purpose of this study: ’How the revenue of IES can be predictable?’. The advisory includes the following recommendations:
• Implement change management
• Involve all employees in sales activities
• Keeping track of all sales activities for each phase of the sales funnel in a CRM system on SharePoint
• Managing employees through the MBO theory of Drucker
To gain insight how the recommendations should be implemented, there is an implementation plan in this report.

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OrganisatieHogeschool Leiden
OpleidingCommerciële Economie
AfdelingFaculteit M&B
PartnerIES Asset Management

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