Introducing to the market through integrated marketing communications.
Introducing to the market through integrated marketing communications.
This research leads you through the process of creating an effective communication strategy to introduce the concept into the advertising and online shopping markets. It is a promotional platform for international artists and lifestyle products. The first version of was released right after applying the recommendations of this research. The communication problem of is that there is currently no awareness or knowledge about the website so there cannot be visitors when the site is launched. To make a successful introduction to the market, awareness and knowledge must be created among the target audience. This process requires a good communication strategy and this research suggests one, using Integrated Marketing and Communication tools. A short look of the current advertising and online shopping markets help to analyze the problem better and provide good recommendations. This research will show with clarity that the main target audience for the customer segment composed by site viewers is formed by young adults who are experiential shop-pers, those who enjoy shopping and surf on the web checking information about prod-ucts. This group of people has hobbies related to art (e.g. photography, painting), travel-ing (e.g. holidays) and they care very much about quality of images and products. Coinci-dentally, holidays / traveling, reading and hobby-related bargains (see theoretical frame-work) are the best sold items online. Generally, web surfers appreciate control and interactivity on the web. The sense of control, together with elements that people find attractive in the web, pictures and prod-ucts are included in the message that was designed for the main target audience: ' discover presents in artwork'. The message usually includes images and it will be spread mainly through digital advertising channels. is a multi-sided platform and it has two customer segments. The group of site visitors exists since the launching of the first version of The second customer segment is still yet to be involved. It exists out of webshop owners and market-ing managers that will become partner advertisers. This group is very time efficient and targeting them requires a more personal approach with personalized business case for their brand. Mostly, these brands are interested in innovation and quality placement of their products in order to beat the competition and keep a good image for the company. In conclusion, Integrated Marketing and Communications provide a set of steps to fol-low in order to create effective communication. Effective communication helps to create awareness and knowledge among the main target audiences per customer segment. To introduce to the advertising and online shopping market and reach a mini-mum of 150 daily visits in a period of six months.
Organisatie | Hogeschool Utrecht |
Opleiding | International Communication and Media |
Afdeling | Communicatie |
Partner | All You See |
Datum | 2013-06-08 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |