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Planning cost effective access routes for wind farms


This report researches the important role of meticulous route and road planning in establishing the feasibility of new potential wind farms. By focusing on a wind farm project in the southwest of France near Bordeaux, this report highlights how effective route planning significantly reduces construction costs, minimize land acquisition needs and enhance project feasibility. In addition, the case study underscores the importance of maintaining a comprehensive construction price database, which is essential for accurate cost estimation of future wind farm projects.

A practical case study in the Bordeaux Region was conducted, analysing the transportation logistics of large wind turbine components to a remote site with challenging terrain and limited local access routes. Various tools were employed, including Google Earth for visualizing of potential routes, AutoCAD Maps for preparing engineering drawings and Vehicle Tracking for designing precise convoy turns. The Q ENERGY database was used for cost estimation using historical project data that was
updated for construction inflation.

For the Bordeaux case study, a preferred access route (Access 4) was selected based on its minimal construction requirements and fewer land parcels to negotiate with other landowners. This study resulted in a 60% reduction in estimated route construction costs compared to the initial access route that was first identified as the likely access route. This route (Access 4) not only aligns with cost-efficiency goals but also simplified the land acquisition which overall improved the feasibility of
the Bordeaux site. Currently the project team are engaging in negotiations and permit acquisitions to finalize the access route.

In conclusion, precise access road planning and an up-to-date construction cost database are crucial for the feasibility of wind farm projects. For future projects, the importance of these elements will grow, particularly with the trend of increasing turbine sizes, which complicates access route planning due to larger and taller convoy requirements.

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OrganisatieHZ University of Applied Sciences
OpleidingCiviele Techniek
AfdelingDomein Technology, Water & Environment
PartnerQ ENERGY France, Avignon, Frankrijk

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