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HiPerGreen newsletter 4

Open access

Rechten:Alle rechten voorbehouden

HiPerGreen newsletter 4

Open access

Rechten:Alle rechten voorbehouden


On April 12th 2019, researchers, students and consortia gathered at the World Horti Centre for an update on the overall status of the HiPerGreen project. The day consisted of presentations from a variety of the
HiPerGreen students, staff and guest speakers. There were a variety of exciting updates from the technological and biological realms of the project, as well as an insightful presentation from Deliflor’s Geert Van Geest on Deliflor and
their interests in imaging of chrysanthemums.
Several new pieces of technology have arisen from the HiPerGreen project. The first being a rail-based imaging
system capable of traversing the greenhouse using the heating pipes commonly found in Dutch greenhouses. The drone landing dock has also taken great steps forward and finally, HiPerGreen has partnered with drone manufacture Avular, a company working on the world’s first ‘ultra-wide band’ localized indoor drone.
From a biological standpoint significant progress has been made regarding long-term plant monitoring with a focus on reducing fusarium occurrence in the crop. Students are working in climate chambers to model the symptoms of
fusarium infection in orchids. Students are also working at Deliflor using the railsystem to measure uniformity in chrysanthemum test crops.
Research with the multispectral camera continued and the team hopes to integrate the imaging into mass plant monitoring. The sympoium was concluded with a drink.

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OrganisatieHogeschool Inholland
AfdelingDomein Techniek, Ontwerpen en Informatica
TypeBijdrage aan periodiek

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