Data analysis within the Netherlands coastguard
risk mapping, social network analysis and anomaly detectionData analysis within the Netherlands coastguard
risk mapping, social network analysis and anomaly detectionSamenvatting
With trade concentrated in a few ports in todays global economy, even a single maritime terrorist incident has the potential to significantly disrupt our economic and financial processes. A (renewed) maritime focus for policy makers is not only of paramount interest for our economic wealth and progress, but also for our national security. This chapter highlights the role of the Netherlands Coast Guard (NCG) in controlling our borders and protecting our harbours. To improve its planning process for surveillance of the national maritime borders by air and by sea, the NCG has started a research program for maritime situational awareness. This program uses mathematical and computer science methods in data analysis, risk mapping, social network analysis and anomaly detection. These methods are described, and for the planning of optimal patrols and (future) capacity planning is discussed.