Crew Resource Management as Shield and Spear for Safety and Security
Crew Resource Management as Shield and Spear for Safety and Security
Crew Resource Management (CRM) is a vision and method to work safer by fostering social and communication competences like leadership, adaptability, and situational awareness of team members. By applying these non-technical skills professionally teams work more effective and are more robust as well. CRM then turns out to be an essential tool for save team work especially where the security of others is at stake. Some years ago CRM was introduced in a crisis service department of the Safety Region Noord-Holland-Noord. CRM trainings grew to integrated team exercises (i.e., technical and non-technical skills) and because of the propagated effects this ended in multidisciplinary team exercises. The Safety region is now working on embedding the CRM skills in relevant aspects, such as human resource management, education, training, and exercises, in an integrated and learning way.