An aeroelastic model of a helicopter rotor
An aeroelastic model of a helicopter rotor
For the simulation of a flexible helicopter rotor system the Euler equations for a rotating and translating beam structure are derived using the Finite Element technique. Using the displacements and velocities of a beam element which has an airfoil shaped cross section the aerodynamic forces and moments are computed which form the loading of the elastic model. Using the Newmark integration method the transient response of the aerolastic model is solved.

Gepubliceerd in | Optimal deployment of military systems : technologies for military missions in the next decade / P.J. Oonincx & A.J. van der Wal (eds.) T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague, Vol. NL ARMS 2014, Pagina's: 315-342 |
Jaar | 2014 |
Type | Boekdeel |
ISBN | 9789067043472 |
Taal | Engels |