The comprehensive approach and the problem of exiting civil military cooperation
lessons from UruzganThe comprehensive approach and the problem of exiting civil military cooperation
lessons from UruzganSamenvatting
The comprehensive approach was deviced to facilitate cooperation between civilian and military actors, to tackle causes of instability and to create a more safe and secure environment in areas of conflict. Due to weak governance and with police and military not up to their jobs, a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) was needed to bring these goods in Uruzgan. This article discusses, against the background of the Netherlands' contribution to that PRT, the concept of exiting from a civil-military perspective; cooperation during the exit phase is vital in order to secure results reached. In Uruzgan, a short but intense period of cooperation with the Australian successors ensured a relatively smooth handover, with the Australians continuing to work on more or less similar lines as the Dutch had done.