Responsibility in ICT networks
reflections on using the battlefield super soldier suit (BSSS)Responsibility in ICT networks
reflections on using the battlefield super soldier suit (BSSS)Samenvatting
Van Burken and Royakkers address the question 'who is responsible and in what way?' with regard to one of the contemporary developments in an ICT-setting on the battlefield: the battlefield super soldier suit (BSSS). This suit was developed to enhance the survival chance of soldiers on the battlefield. Specialists can remotely monitor vital signs of a soldier and administer drugs through the linking of the suit to a tactical network. However, the use of ICT and remotely operated medication systems have a normative dimension as well as implications for responsibilities of those who interact through the BSSS. By making use of the insights from philosophy of technology, the normative aspects of this development are addressed.
Gepubliceerd in | Moral responsibility & military effectiveness / Herman Amersfoort ... [et al.] (eds.) T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague :, Vol. NL Arms 2013, Pagina's: 217-241 |
Jaar | 2013 |
Type | Boekdeel |
ISBN | 9789067043458 |
Taal | Engels |