Angst- en Dwangstoornissen
"Verander muren in deuren"Angst- en Dwangstoornissen
"Verander muren in deuren"Samenvatting
This thesis is a qualitative research into the extent to which subsequent experience changes correspond to the described goals of the group PMT module. This is done with clients that have anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders of the age 15-65 years at the Vincent van Gogh Institute. Four clients who are at the end of their treatment phase were interviewed by the Client Change Interview. The interview is conducted by telephone and a semi-structured way to provide as much information as possible. The interview is recorded on a auditape and worked out on paper afterwards. The interview is analyzed based on the objectives of the group PMT module and thereafter the separate statements are linked to the targets of the group PMT module. Resulting conclusions are drawn to what extent the changes that subsequently are experienced match the described goals of the group PMT module. The investigation has shown that there is no clear and concrete evidence that the module has helped. However, there may be interpreted to mean that two of the five targets match on the basis of the separate statements of the clients. The group PMT module can be more effectively when there are changes applied in the module.
Organisatie | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Opleiding | Psychomotorische Therapie en Bewegingsagogie |
Afdeling | Domein Bewegen en Educatie |
Partner | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Datum | 2013-05-01 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |