Stressmanagement training in de forensische psychiatrie
Stressmanagement training in de forensische psychiatrie
Patients who suffer with schizophrenia haven’t got enough skills to deal with stress. The change on a psychosis increases by stress. Within the forensic psychiatry there hasn’t been much research to stress management training for patients with psychotic problems. Hence came the question for effect measurement about the module stress management training for patients with psychotic problems. This question came from forensic psychiatric centre the Kijvelanden. This module has been written by a psychomotor therapist from this centre. The measuring instrument used for this research is the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales. This is an measuring instrument that brings the psychiatric function of patients in chart. The measuring instrument works with four subscales: behaviour problems, restrictions, symptomatology and social problems. The results that came out in this research can be concluded as carefully positive. The results of the for- and after measurements are compared with each other. Hereby you can see that the psychiatric functioning of the participants has been increased. Although, there are some discussion points came out during evaluating this research. For further information about this research it’s recommended to read the whole text.
Organisatie | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Opleiding | Psychomotorische Therapie en Bewegingsagogie |
Afdeling | Domein Bewegen en Educatie |
Partner | Forensisch psychiatrisch centrum (FPC) de Kijvelanden |
Jaar | 2013 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |