Effect of dietary salt intake on milk urea level in dairy Holsteins
Effect of dietary salt intake on milk urea level in dairy Holsteins
The present study investigated the effect of salt (NaCl) intake on urea-N excretion by using milk urea level as an indicator. Sixteen multi-parity Dutch dairy Holsteins (daily milk production 27.74 ± 3.14 kg and body weight 654.9 ± 43.1 kg) were used in a 4x4 crossover design with treatment varying in four levels of additive dietary salt (0, 0.333, 0.667 and 0.999 kg/cow/day).

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Dier- en veehouderij |
Jaar | 2010 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |