Utrechtse Somatische Screeningslijst (USS) 2.0
Koerts Janmaat; Jackie Middeldorp (Lid Lectoraat); J. Moesker; S. Smit
Questionnaire Physical complaints
Esther Krijnen-de Bruin (Lid Lectoraat); Jackie Middeldorp (Lid Lectoraat)
Empathy and Mentalizing of Mental Health Nurses
Gieke Free (Lid Lectoraat); Wilma Swildens (Lector); Adriaan Hoogendoorn; Aartjan Beekman; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Cost-effectiveness of the SMILE intervention compared with usual care for people with severe mental illness
Mohamed El Alili; Berno van Meijel (Lector); Maurits W. van Tulder; Marcel C. Adriaanse
De diepte bereiken: Toekomstgericht begeleiden van jongvolwassenen in de langdurige zorg
Martine Noordegraaf (Lector); Gerda van den Berg-van Haaften (Docent); Arie Hordijk (Docent); Willemieke Kroeze (Lector)
Impact of a patient and family participation education program on hospital nurses' attitudes and competencies
van Oort, Peter; Maaskant, Jolanda; Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care); Eskes, Anne
Nurse-related behavioural determinants associated with healthy eating support provided by Dutch community nurses: a cross-sectional study
Gerlinde den Hamer-Jordaan (Lid Lectoraat); Truus Groenendijk-van Woudenbergh (Lid Lectoraat); Willemieke Kroeze (Lector); Ellemijn Troost (Onderzoeker); Annemien Haveman-Nies
Vitaliteit in beweging!
Evi Koolen (Student); Grieda Muça (Student); Hester Smeets (Begeleider)
Nurse-Led Physical Screening of Patients With Substance Use Disorders
J. F. M. Middeldorp (Lid Lectoraat); Esther Krijnen-de Bruin (Lid Lectoraat); V. J. A. Buwalda; A. E. Goudriaan; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Nurses' Perspectives on Fostering Therapeutic Relationships While Working With Clients Who Display Conflict Behaviour
Nick Overpelt; Nienke Kool-Goudzwaard (Lid Lectoraat); Barbara Stringer; Berno van Meijel (Lector)