Exploring Human and Environmental Factors that Make Organizations Resilient to Social Engineering Attacks
Michelle Ancher (Lid Lectoraat)
De ontwikkeling en evaluatie van het project “MKB Cyber Buddy’s"
Susanne van 't Hoff-de Goede (Lid Lectoraat); Eline Brasker (Onderzoeker); Luuk Bekkers (Lid Lectoraat); E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector)
Rutger Leukfeldt over cyberveiligheid in MKB
E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector)
We moeten cybercrime demystificeren
E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector)
E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector)
Position paper: Nederlands Cyber Security Lab Labsessie #3
Petra Oldengarm (Onderzoeker); Bernold Nieuwesteeg; Dave Maasland; Evert Stamhuis; Jan Heijdra; Jelle Niemantsverdriet; Roos Dijkxhoorn; E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector)
Opfererfahrungen im Internet – Schutz- und Risikofaktoren
E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector); Susanne van 't Hoff-de Goede (Lid Lectoraat); Rick van der Kleij (Lid Lectoraat); Steve van de Weijer (Lid Lectoraat)
Unity makes strength : Origins and growth of hacktivists groups and the importance of hacking
E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector); Marco Romagna (Lid Lectoraat)
Becoming a hacktivist: Examining the motivations and the processes that prompt an individual to engage in hacktivism
Marco Romagna (Lid Lectoraat)
Becoming a hacktivist: Examining the motivations and the processes that prompt an individual to engage in hacktivism
Marco Romagna (Lid Lectoraat)