What are the effects of social influences (at interpersonal level) on (regular) physical activity in people who are at risk for cardiovascular disease?
Plungytė (Student); A. Simons (Begeleider)
Afterword: Propositions on the Organizational Form
Lovink, Geert (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Rossiter, Ned; Beyes, Timon; Conrad, Lisa; Martin, Reinhold
Causes of reporting bias: a theoretical framework [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
van der Steen, Jenny T; Ter Riet, Gerben; van den Bogert, Cornelis A; Bouter, Lex M
Automating the selection for suitable tree species in an urban environment
Bergevoet, R. (Student); Duijl, E. van
A study into the severity of forensic and civil inpatient aggression
Anneloes Huitema; Nienke Verstegen; Vivienne de Vogel (Lector)
Transcending Responsibility. Developing a new interdisciplinary educational program
van den Hooff, Susanne
The effect of climate variability on the breeding behaviour of the Eastern Bluebird (Siala sialis) and the Mountain Bluebird (Siala currucoides) in different geographical areas throughout North America
Bruggink, J. (Student); Keizer, F.
Strategic Alignment and Financial Performance Indicators
René van Dinten (Lid Lectoraat); Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat)
Does sensorimotor incongruence trigger pain and sensory disturbances in people with chronic low back pain?: a randomized cross-over experiment
S. Don; M. Venema; M. de Kooning; B. van Buchem; J. Nijs; L.P. Voogt
Assessment of public charging infrastructure push and pull rollout strategies
Helmus, J.R.; Spoelstra, J.C.; Refa, N.; Lees, M.; van den Hoed, R.