Light Electric Freight Vehicles – Beyond the Hype?
Bram Kin; Walther Ploos van Amstel; Ruben Fransen
Tools or toys for healthcare
Zuidhof, (Niek) (Onderzoeker)
Analytical Formalism for Data Representation and Object Detection with 2D LiDAR
Fagundes, Leonardo; Caldeira, Alexandre; Berguer Quemelli, Matheus; Martins, Felipe (Sensors And Smart Systems); Santos Brandão, Alexandre
Barriers to and Facilitators for Finding and Keeping Competitive Employment: A Focus Group Study on Autistic Adults With and Without Paid Employment
Sarah Detaille (Associate Lector)
ERASE: a feasible early warning tool for elder abuse, developed for use in the Dutch emergency department
Miriam van Houten (Onderzoeker); Lilian Vloet (Lector); M.G.M. Olde Rikkert; Brigitte van de Kerkhof-van Bon; Anneriek de Rooij; Marieke Verhoeven; wilhelmina M.E. Bil; Jacinta A. Lucke; Y. Schoon; Sivera Berben (Associate Lector)
Cultivating cities
Groothuismink, J. (Student); Körösi, K.
Sleep and daytime functioning in autistic teenagers: A psychological network approach
Ilona Schouwenaars; Maurice Magnée; C.A.M. van Bennekom; S. Pillen; L.J. Waldorp; T.F. Blanken; Jan Pieter Teunisse
The effect of error augmentation on upper extremity motor performance in patients with chronic stroke.
Myrina Triantafyllou (Student)
Artificial Intelligence in radiography: reviewing current applications and providing e-learnings for (future) radiographers
Harmen Bijwaard (Lector); Colinda Vroonland (Onderzoeker); Sissy Georgakopoulou
Probability of Erosion Utilizing Google Earth Engine and the RUSLE Method in the Tuntang Watershed
Sentani, A; Niam, M F; Boogaard, F.C. (Climate Adaptation)