Automatic detection of strong aurora
Dennis van Dijk (Student); R.H.M. Smit; L.H. Arntzen
The potential of using a three-port Mach-Zehnder interferometer for biosensing and displacement sensing
Ruben van Gulik (Student); R. Buning; A.J. Lock
On the influence of self-heat on temperature measurements in VSL's water calorimeter
Erik Paardekam (Student); N. van der Houwen; J.L. van Yperen
Optimization of a Knudsen diffusion set-up for stable isotope research
Lennart van den Boogert (Student); R. Buning; L.H. Arntzen
Stephan den Ridder (Student); D.D. Land
Effect of stressing on the isotopic composition of plant-emitted carbon monoxide
R.A. Mantel (Begeleider); J.H.R. Lambers (Begeleider); Sem Vijverberg (Student)
Determining and predicting the optical constants n and k for interstellar H2O:CH4 ice mixtures
H. Linnartz (Begeleider); C.F. Fransen (Student); J.-B. Bossa (Begeleider)
Calibration measurements of a Microwave Discharge Hydrogen Lamp
M.L. Both (Student); L.H. Arntzen (Begeleider); M.C. Vloemans (Begeleider)
Vergroten van de reproduceerbaarheid van de oppervlakkige hyperthermie behandelingen
Seda Guvenc (Student); K. (Karin) Bol (Begeleider); A.J. (Arjan) Lock (Begeleider)
Electrodeposition of Gold (Au) for Tansition Edge Sensor ATHENA+
C.A. Swarts (Begeleider); Kerim Vonk (Student)