The Effects of Yoga on Pain Intensity in Adults with Non-specific Neck Pain
Orla Meghen (Student)
A sensorimotor approach to treating body perception disturbance and pain in patients with complex regional pain syndrome.
Zoe Power (Student)
The effect of plyometric training on vertical jump height in indoor volleyball players
Gabriela T. Fernandes (Student)
The effect of virtual reality therapy compared to mirror therapy on the functional recovery of the upper extremity in stroke patients.
Julia Trost (Student)
The effect of error augmentation on upper extremity motor performance in patients with chronic stroke.
Myrina Triantafyllou (Student)
Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain among saudi oil platforms operators on a self-propelled jack-up barge within 3 months
A. Alshehri (Student)
Probleemherkenning bij de grof motorische ontwikkeling
Fardau van der Wal (Student)