Veselina Nedelcheva (Student); Ivonne Louw-Dekker (Begeleider)
When online fashion retailers “pop-up” into the real world
Lora Iatcheva (Student); Peter de Groot (Begeleider); Ilona Taillade (Begeleider)
Picture Perfect Positioning
Paul Visser (Student); Pim Welvaarts (Begeleider); Marjolein Koopmans (Begeleider)
Improving Greece’s crisis image in Europe all fun and games?
Cleo Sardelis (Student); Theo Bors (Begeleider)
Gender and video games: how is female gender generally represented in various genres of video games?
Xeniya Kondrat (Student); Ivonne louw-Dekker (Begeleider)
Communication advice for the platform life sciences and health of the branch organisation Nevat
Rafaël Groenemeijer (Student); Edwin Dekker (Begeleider); Evelyn Bekooij-Westerhoudt (Begeleider)
Advertisements in dutch glossy magazines that contribute to a negative body image and low bodyesteem among women
Sacha Floranus (Student)
A communication advice for WAHLE & WOLF
Carmen Schaeffer (Student); Klaus-Peter Wolf (Begeleider); Ivonne Louw (Begeleider)
Colours and emotions in advertising
Parisa Irankhah (Student); Evelyn Bekooij-Westerhout (Begeleider)
The ‘Soa – polikliniek’
Joëlle Sillevis Smitt (Student); Frans Engelman (Begeleider); Maaike van Veen (Begeleider); Adriaan Tempert (Begeleider)