Improving Labritannique's online marketing strategy with a limited budget during an economic downturn.
Céline Renard (Student); Ivonne Louw (Begeleider); Alex Weston (Begeleider)
Reward-based Crowdfunding for Creative Projects
Aiste Juozaponyte (Student); Dragana Licina (Begeleider)
A Research into gaining Customer Loyalty. Advice Report For Urban Tribe.
Isabelle Sanne Zonderland (Student); Nicolas Carey (Begeleider); Yael Fainsilber (Begeleider); Harry Smals (Begeleider)
How Effective are the Kenora court service division's internal communication tactics and strategies?
Morgan Hamp (Student)
Philip's Animal Garden. Habitat for Rescued Animals.
Annalisa Gesterkamp (Student)
Culture, Consumer Behaviour and E-Commerce.
Dolinde van Beek (Student); Peter de Groot (Begeleider)
Visibility Strategy. The EU - Malysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry [EU*M CCI]
Joukje de Beer (Student); Anjali Brito Barbosa (Begeleider); M. Saneri (Begeleider)
The Concept for a Plus Size Fashion Store.
Suzanne Bergenhenegouwen (Student); Harry Smals (Begeleider)
Piracy and DRM in PC videogames : striking a balance.
Erwin van Eijden (Student); Theo Bors (Begeleider)
Amaidi: How to make expectations of volunteers more realistic?
Lian van Mourik (Student)